Betekenis van:
send out

to send out
  • sturen
  • to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place






  1. As soon as I can figure out how to send money, I'll send you some.
  2. Please don't forget to send out the letters.
  3. Help me send out these two letters, all right?
  4. Which book did you pick out to send to Anne?
  5. I'd like to know when you can send it out.
  6. Please fill out this questionnaire and send it to us.
  7. The mountain used to send out clouds of smoke.
  8. OK. I'll send it out as soon as a machine is available.
  9. Only the other day in a railway accident, without the time to send out a mayday, many people lost their lives.
  10. This controller has accelerometers in it so it can send a farewell transmission as your child chucks it out the window.
  11. I'd send my kid out on his own for a while if I were you. A few hard knocks at this point might do him some good.
  12. Only the assumption that the reader - I better say: the prospective reader, because for the moment there is not the slightest prospect, that my writing could see the lights of publicity, - unless it miraculously left our endangered fortress Europe and brought a hint of the secrets of our loneliness to those outside; - I beg to be allowed to begin anew: only because I anticipate the wish to be told casually about the who and what of the writer, I send some few notes on my own individuum out before these openings, - of course not without the awareness that exactly by doing so I might provoke doubts in the reader, that he is in the right hands, which is to say: if I, from all my being, am the right man for a task to which maybe the heart pulls me more than any qualifying relation in character.
  13. in collaboration with the Member State concerned, send an inspection team to carry out an official control on the spot;
  14. The Member State shall send the Commission a report on each programme checked, describing the results of the checks carried out and the anomalies detected.
  15. That Decision also provides for the AFSSA Laboratory, Nancy to send to the Commission the list of Community laboratories to be authorised to carry out those serological tests.